Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Meu primeiro terremoto

Como dizem os franceses: Tremblement de terre.

Sacodiu tudo por alguns segundos. Mas a ultima coisa que passa pela sua cabeca eh que eh realmente um terremoto. Pensei que era um rolo compressor passando na rua ja que a cidade esta em obras.

O pessoal ate brincou dizendo que finalmente Quebec tinha se separado do Canada.

Earthquake felt throughout GTA, Ottawa, Montreal

Breaking News

A tremor lasting about 10 seconds was felt across parts of Southern and Eastern Ontario and Quebec on Wednesday afternoon.

Global News reporters and staff report shaking at offices in downtown Toronto, Don Mills, Ottawa and Montreal

Cathy Basile, who was at her home in south Ottawa, said she felt the tremors at about 1:45 p.m.

“Everything started slowly to shake, and then it got really strong, like a train going through. And then it slowed down, stopped, and then there was a little burp. My friend who works for the civil service downtown says everyone went outside their building, they’re all on the street.’’


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